Blog – Aidoma Ped

No form of knowledge is dangerous

No form of knowledge is dangerous

That’s it! I finally published the book called “Attention! Clothes talk!”, a treaty in which I dared to approach clothing as a tool for nonverbal communication, a genuine tool for personal and relational knowledge and…

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Why don’t we like the mask!?

Why don’t we like the mask!?

The mask and wearing it has become a more present topic lately than the Coronavirus itself. They are almost dissociated and some seem to forget why we have to wear a mask…

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What does Trump unconsciously convey through body language?

What does Trump unconsciously convey through body language?

I was always attracted to Donald Trump! To his personality! Every time I look at him, at what he says and what he does, I draw one conclusion: "This is…

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School during pandemic

School during pandemic

School during pandemic

If you are the parent of a child of school or preschool age, it means that you don’t…

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Detectando la mentira - desenmascarando a los mentirosos

Detectando la mentira - desenmascarando a los mentirosos

Todos mentimos. Es un hecho, ya sea que lo reconozcas o no. Por supuesto, la magnitud o grado puede variar, pero la mentira es un acto cotidiano y eso independientemente de nuestra cultura, religión, educación,…

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Detectando mentiras y comportamiento simulado

Detectando mentiras y comportamiento simulado

Engañar a los demás forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Un hombre dice que está encantado con los regalos de cumpleaños, aunque en realidad no son exactamente lo que él quería; el anfitrión recibe elogios…

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