Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication


Master program

IACPS-accredited program

Accreditation PP1280 - verify


Course Information:

  Master program
  15 video lessons
  Video lessons total length: 2h
  10 evaluation instruments
  Access: 12 months
  Acces from any device
  Last update: 05/06/2024
  IACPS graduation certificate
  Loyalty voucher - apply code at payment stage

96.00 €



Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication is the course that will give you a turn in the most pleasant way, allowing your subconscious to set free an amalgam of memories, states, to give them another meaning, added-value, to use them efficiently. Exclamations such as “Aaaah... that’s what it means!”, “I knew I was right!”, “It would have been better to do that!”, “My intuition was not wrong!” or simply a meditative “Hm...!” will continuously cross your mind when you go over the lessons of this course.


Every day, you open the closet, analyze it for a few seconds, and choose something. Do you know this choice is not accidental!? Even if you have two pieces in the closet, the fact that you choose one of them says something about your state of mind, about your interests and your intentions, or says something about your wishes. Do you know that in any relationship you need five seconds to make a first impression, to put a label to the person in front of you!? Do you know that the biggest impact on the formation of this first impression is the appearance of the other, implicitly their clothing!? Of course, five seconds is all the others need to put a label on you, and that determines your success or failure, acceptance or rejection by others.


People have always interpreted the messages conveys by clothing, these being the expressions of unconscious language. On a conscious level, we see someone and quickly draw the conclusion "I like him/her!" Or "I do not like him/her", "Something does not make me trust him/her!", but the unconscious keeps the reasons that led us to these extremely important conclusions, because it influences our reactions, actions. Knowing the clothes language, we bring to conscious what the unconscious is currently in control of, and "I like him/her!" is filled in with "I like him/her because ..." and "I do not like him/her because ...". This "because ..." is the one that gives us all the necessary information that we can use to understand others, to accept them in order to build effective relationships with them. Also, knowing the clothing language helps us to know ourselves, to control, to adapt easily, and therefore, can help us to make the others accept us, trust us, be open and willing to get involved in our actions.


The main purpose of the course  Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication is to teach you to not let anything to chance and thus have control over yourself, your own life. The entire course is an awareness exercise that helps you redefine yourself, enrich yourself as a person but also position or reposition yourself in the world according to your potential and projections.

Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication

After finishing this course, we will be able to:



Summarizing, at the end you will know how to interpret the language of clothing and you will feel the advantages constantly in everything you do.

See what the course "Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication" has to offer


Who should attend?


To all persons who know that clothing has more than a functional role, those who understood its importance and want to get the most out of it.



Why choose this course organized by Aidoma?




Organization manner


The lessons are in fact interactive videos that don’t turn the learner into a simple spectator.
Each lesson has a well-structured dynamism, each information is supported by images, the aim being to combine all three learning styles: auditory, visual, kinesthetic.
The operational video steps are accompanied by exercises that facilitate learning through discovery and testing that help consolidation and self-evaluation.
The course is a useful learning tool, not just information.





Lessons can be accessed from any type of device.
You have access to the course 12 months from payment.
The course can be accessed by a student from a maximum of 2 devices.


Clothing – dimension of nonverbal communication



We are complex beings, with needs and aspirations, with projections and desires, and we are all driven on our path by the hope of becoming the best version of ourselves. This desire is the guarantor of a state of balance and fulfilment and an indicator of the degree of happiness.


We want "to be well" and to access this state, we must create the necessary premises. Exploring and understanding the area of personal development is crucial in creating these premises.


Because I know that you can reset the world with the power of your mind, I will help you get to that point where you realize for yourself that you have become: a captivating, influential, successful person.