
About me


I was born, grew up, educated, evolved in a world where success was presented as a guarantee for others. I was not born with a star on my forehead, although I would have liked that, nor could I call myself lucky, because I do not believe in Luck, but genetics or God have given me some qualities, strong enough to allow me to start to build myself, little by little.


If I have to say a word that defines me, I say without hesitation: ambition. There is no such thing as "I can not," and that's what I have in mind all the time. Obstacles are necessary challenges that help me to get to know me better and to make the most of it, and the harder it gets, the more it stimulates me.


I am a balanced person, but I allow myself the freedom to not go by the rule sometimes, otherwise I do not think I would taste life at the fullest. I would not know how to enjoy a moment or a good event at the very best, if I did not live even less good moments, I would not know to appreciate a wonderful person, if I did not meet shabby souls and twisted minds as well, I would not know to enjoy peace, if I did not throw myself in the storm sometimes. So, I'm not perfect and I'm not aspiring to that! But I'm convinced that tomorrow I can be a little better, wiser than today!


I think I found the recipe of personal and professional fulfillment, because that's what I wanted. I do not call it the recipe of success, because success, as I see it, may seem small in the eyes of someone or intangible in the eyes of others. But I feel, enjoy and keep the state of fulfillment, satisfaction. If I have succeeded and I strongly believe in leading by example, you can also succeed, if that's what you want, especially because ... it is not at all difficult!

Psychotherapy and clinical psychology


Psychotherapy is the most challenging and honoring profession I could embrace. What could be more honoring and uplifting than the privilege of accompanying the suffering person on the road to healing? To help him/her make sense of his/her suffering and at the same time the strength, determination, and how he/she can succeed in breaking away from it for good.


I am an integrative psychotherapist with thousands of hours in practice, and I use my skills as a clinical psychologist every day in the therapeutic process. I practice psychotherapy supported by medical and neuropsychological practices, being convinced that good knowledge of the brain and its functionality helps in optimizing the functioning of the mind, in healing and balancing the mind.
I specialize in individual and group adult psychotherapy, frequently addressing insomnia, depression, and anxiety in all its forms, from generalized, social anxiety to various phobias, eating disorders, and stress.

My professional quality and skills are based on the following training:

Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, major in Psychology.

Transilvania University of Brasov, Master’s program in Clinical Psychology, Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Training in integrative psychotherapy, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

Training in the therapy of personality disorders, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

Training in neuroscience, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

Training in clinical hypnosis, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

Training in cognitive and behavioral therapy, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

Training in online therapy, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.


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Psychoeducation and training


I love teaching, being in front of people eager for knowledge, and training, willing to invest time and resources in my programs. More than 50.000 teachers, school counselors, and mediators, psychologists, people from various professions have graduated from the programs authorized by the Ministry of Education, which I have organized through Edu Ten Plus as director and trainer.

Through the Aidoma Institute and its PsihoEdu10+ program platform, I have met the knowledge and transformative learning needs of several thousand others through the psychoeducation programs I have designed and implemented.


These professional qualities and their associated competencies are based on the following training:

"Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, major in Pedagogy.

"Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Master’s program in Intercultural Education.

Specialization of trainer, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of mentor, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of counselor-mediator, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of personal development counselor, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of education expert, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of expert in equal opportunities, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of quality specialist, Ministry of Education certification.

Specialization of project manager, Ministry of Education certification.

Training in stress management, Ministry of Education accreditation.

Training in school mediation, Ministry of Education accreditation.

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Identifying universal variables in interpreting gestures and establishing a universal gestural interpretation scheme

The influence of temperament on the way people walk

Empathy in psychotherapy. Developing and harnessing empathy as a personal, relational, and process resource in psychotherapeutic intervention.



Shortly after graduating from university, with a lot of enthusiasm, courage, and a bit of madness, I set up Edu Zece Plus, which 2 years later became one of the most important vocational training schools in Romania. Today, more than 50.000 graduates have at least one certificate issued by the Ministry of Education through Edu Zece Plus in their portfolio and I hope they have kept the experience of quality training, in line with their expectations.


On a solid and fertile ground prepared by Edu Zece Plus, 14 years later I have set up the Aidoma project, an innovative school, where psychoeducation is valued as a sure way to take anyone from personal knowledge to personal and professional development and fulfillment. The Aidoma project has evolved due to the needs of those who come to us, at the Aidoma Institute, integrating individual and group psychotherapy and psychoeducation services, as well as continuing training for psychologists and psychological counselors.



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