Insomnia therapy

Insomnia therapy

You CAN fight insomnia! You DESERVE to consistently enjoy a restful sleep!

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Chronic insomnia is the cancer of the psyche! Slowly and steadily, it comes to affect every aspect of your life. This therapeutic self-help program combats chronic insomnia and puts you back in control of your life. There is therapy for insomnia!



Insomnia therapy - training program

Insomnia therapy - training program

Insomnia therapy is a training program for psychotherapists, psychological counselors, and clinical psychologists, to train the skills necessary for initial intervention in the therapeutic process. In addition to the necessary information and skills, you get a complete therapeutic plan with intervention scenarios for each session and a therapeutic protocol.

Terapia da Insônia - Programa de Formação

Terapia da Insônia - Programa de Formação

A terapia da insônia é um programa de formação destinado a psicoterapeutas, conselheiros psicológicos e psicólogos clínicos, com o objetivo de desenvolver as competências necessárias para a intervenção inicial no processo terapêutico. Com as informações e competências necessárias, você obterá um plano terapêutico completo, com cenários de intervenção para cada sessão, bem como um protocolo terapêutico.

Terapia del insomnio - programa de formación

Terapia del insomnio - programa de formación

La terapia del insomnio es un programa de formación dirigido a psicoterapeutas, consejeros psicológicos y psicólogos clínicos, con el objetivo de desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para la intervención inicial en el proceso terapéutico. Además de la información y las competencias necesarias, obtienes un plan terapéutico completo, con escenarios de intervención para cada sesión, así como un protocolo terapéutico.


Dreams and good quality sleep

Dreams and good quality sleep

   Author: Mioara Tarulescu
  Expert in Psyhoeducation

Dream production is among the benefits of good quality sleep, and mental health depends on the quality of dreams and the adjustments that are made to them. All the more reason to invest in healthy…

Causes of insomnia

Causes of insomnia

   Author: Mioara Tarulescu
  Expert in Psyhoeducation

Insomnia is the most common sleep disturbance with a major impact on quality of life. The person suffering from insomnia is functional most of the time but in failure mode, accomplishing almost everything with much…



   Author: Mioara Tarulescu
  Expert in Psyhoeducation

Every day I see clients in my office who suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress or various personality disorders. I work with each of them for one hour a week, which is extremely intense, but…

Insomnia - priority in psychotherapy

Insomnia - priority in psychotherapy

   Author: Mioara Tarulescu
  Expert in Psyhoeducation

This article is dedicated to fellow psychotherapists, those who daily choose to accompany their clients on the road to healing, to regaining and strengthening mental health. Address insomnia as an emergency in psychotherapy. Whether you…




Psychologist, psychotherapist

I am a psychotherapist and clinical psychologist and through training in the cognitive and behavioral field, neuropsychology, and clinical hypnosis, as well as thousands of hours of practice, I specialize in insomnia therapy. I recommend individual psychotherapy in insomnia therapy as a disorder and consider it mandatory in its therapy as a symptom associated with other disorders such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

request an appointment


Guided imagery - relaxing the mind

Guided imagery is an accelerated mental intervention process, and its purpose is to help you replace the worrying, negative, sabotaging thoughts that create and maintain insomnia with positive and soothing ones. Relax and prepare for restful sleep by accessing this mind relaxation exercise!

Studiu de caz. Terapia insomniei

Insomnia therapy is a priority in the psychotherapeutic process, whether it is a disorder in itself or the effect of other disorders such as depression, anxiety, and stress. I present the case of A. A. who, after experiencing insomnia for three years before starting the therapeutic process, was able to get good quality sleep after 12 sessions dedicated to insomnia therapy.